Inscribed tombstone

Record number: CHEGM: 1999 6 99

Object name: inscribed tombstone

Description: Fragment of a tombstone. In the right-handed bottom corner of a panel are seen the forelegs of a horse, the off-leg raised, and a broken spear between them. A naked barbarian, tousled and bearded, to whom the spear belonged, raises his dying body upon his left arm and grasps the horse's off-hind leg with his right. His torso and head are exceptionally well modelled. His legs are curiously foreshortened and a baldric hangs from his right shoulder. When complete the stone would have commemorated a Roman cavalryman, whose likeness and name have both been lost.

Period: Roman

Place found: North Wall (West), Chester

Date: 5.1891

Material: stone

Dimensions: height 29 inches; width 35 inches

Inscription: D / LIV
D(is) [M(anibus) ...]liu[s...
To the spirits of the departed, [...]liu[s....

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