Record number: CHEGM: 1999 6 35
Object name: inscribed tombstone
Description: Tombstone of Legion II Adiutrix Pia Fidelis. Top of a tombstone, gable-topped with round headline and decorated with half-moon and orb flanked by two lunulae.
Period: Roman
Place found: North Wall (East), Chester
Date: 9.1887
Material: stone
Dimensions: height 37 inches; width 36 inches
Inscription: L ANNIVS L F / TRO MARCEL / V
L(ucius) Annius L(uci) f(ilius) Tro(mentina tribu) Marcel(lus) v[ixit ...
Lucius Annius Marcellus, son of Lucius, of the Tromentine voting-tribe, lived...
This inscription, like CHEGM: 1999.6.34, probably commemorated a soldier of the Second Legion Adiutrix. The Tromentine tribe is comparatively rare among provincials and soldiers, and, in this case, seems to indicate a man from Aequum. Latin